Since 2006, students have earned a Diploma (APP or AMP) at Harris Institute and a Degree (on full scholarship in 8 months) at University of the West of Scotland in a total of 20 months. The partnership was expanded in 2016 to offer graduates of APP + AMP direct entry into Master’s Degrees at UWS with partial scholarships.

UWS is recognized in the top 3% in the 2018 Times Higher Education World University Rankings. Harris Institute is the only school outside the US in Billboard Magazine’s ‘Top 11 Schools’ and it ranked best private school for a 7th consecutive year in the 2019 ‘Media Arts Education Report’.


Accelerated Post-Secondary Options at Harris Institute and

University of the West of Scotland (UWS)


A Diploma + Degree + Master’s Degree in 32 months.


Two Diplomas + Master’s Degree in 32 months.


A. Arts Management Program (AMP) Tuition:
$18,180 CDN
B. Audio Production Program (APP) Tuition:
$20,580 CDN
C. Graduates of AMP or APP:
Eligible for full scholarships to earn B.A or B.Sc. Degrees at UWS in 8 months. Value $18,802 CDN
D. Music Business Professional (MBP) Certificate:
AMP + APP (5 Terms / 20 mths) Tuition: AMP 1,2,3= $18,180 + APP 2,3 ($14,520) – MBP Bursary ($1,500)= $31,200 CDN
E. MBP, BA and B Sc. Degree Graduates:
Eligible for $3,500 UWS Scholarships into MA Music Programs plus $1,500 Accommodation Bursaries. Tuition : £ 11.220 GBP = $19,222 CDN – $3,500 = $15,722 CDN


Total tuitions for Diploma, Degree and Master’s Degree:

AMP Diploma + Degree (UWS) + MA (UWS) = $33,902 CDN
APP Diploma + Degree (UWS) + MA (UWS) = $36,302 CDN
AMP + APP Diploma + MBP Certificate + MA (UWS) = $46,922 CDN


UWS Program Information:

MA Music (Industries) (Sound Production) (Songwriting)

BA and B.Sc. Degrees at School of Business and Creative Industries